Intermingled with the brownish red are such bright and dark colors as orange, black, blue and green; seemingly translucent, they flicker off and on, exhibiting a coloring effect of remarkable appeal. 棕红色彩之中,透现、晕染了橙、黑、蓝、绿等或明亮或深沉的色彩,起落明灭,展现引人观赏的色彩层次。
Then proves the effect of the report of the WTO expert and appeal body, and their effect to latter cases through the method of real example and law. 并通过实证和法律的方法,来论述WTO专家组和上诉机构报告的效力以及对后案的效力。
Basing on the dissemination angle of view of the advertising language, the author takes the Empirical Study method of the questionnaire to study the effect of the figure of speech in advertisements on the emotional appeal from the angle of psychology. 基于广告语的传播视角,本文从心理学的角度,采用问卷调查的实证方法重点研究比喻在广告语中的情感诉求效果。
This chapter also analyze pragmatic effect of behind kind: polite and proper, humour and jocular, succinct and sprightly, aesthetic appeal, and conversational implicature. 本文还分析了后一种答非所问所具有的语用效果礼貌得体、幽默诙谐、简洁明快、审美情趣及会话含义。
This thesis combines the qualitative data analysis with the quantitative analysis, and focuses on discussing the psychological effect course of the audience accepting the emotional appeal advertising. 本文主要采取定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法,重点论述了个体受众接受情感诉求广告的心理效应过程。
Chapter four, start with analysing the Japanese sake tax case, probes into the effect of the report of expert panel and appeal body. 第四章,从分析日本酒税案入手,探讨了专家组和上诉机构报告的效力。
The effect of the report of GATT/ WTO expert panel and appeal body is an very important issue at theory and practice, because it involves operation of solving the mechanism of GAIT/ WTO dispute. GATT/WTO专家组和上诉机构报告的效力问题,在理论和实践上都是一个很重要的问题,因为这涉及到GATF/WTO争端解决机制的运作。
Study investigated the effect of the appeal environmental knowledge, environmentalism and materialism on consumer behavior. 研究中探索了服装环保知识、环保主义和物质主义对消费行为的影响。
It is an important prerequisite for getting the desired effect in the process of journalism and communication, also a key indicator for improving the credibility of media and guiding public opinion to satisfy audience appeal. 满足受众诉求既是新闻传播活动达到预期传播效果的重要前提,也是提高媒介公信力,引导社会舆论的重要指标。
The second part illustrates how to sing, including the relevant skills, such as the breath, articulation and lubricating tunes, especially the important effect of lubricating tunes on illustrating the lasting appeal of the ancient poems. 第二部分论述了古诗词歌曲演唱的相关技术,包括气息、咬字行腔、润腔技巧三部分。着重指出润腔技巧对展示古诗词歌曲的韵味起到了重要作用。
The introduction of "the rules of paying to the litigation fees" will have a far-reaching effect to a right of appeal to the parties to exercise and the normal operation of the Court. 《诉讼费用交纳办法》的出台,对当事人的诉权行使和对法院的正常运转都将产生深远的影响。